SikaForce-710 L30 415ml, 2-component polyurethane adhesive
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SikaForce-710 L30 is a 2-component polyethurae adhesive which cures at room temperature. It is designed for balancing of wind turbine blades. The system is charactarized by high injectability and thixotrophic viscosity build up.
Areas of Application
The Product is specifically designed for weight balancing of wind turbine blades during field repairs.
The material can be used in other industry applications such as bonding of sandwhich panels after dtailed project review.
This product is suitable for experienced profeessional users only. Test with actual substrates and conditions have to be performed ensuring adhesion and material compatibility.
Room temeprature curing
High injectability
medium viscosity
Easy to apply
Solvent free
Application Video SikaForce-710 L30
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