
¿Te gustaría pagar menos en tu factura de la energia reactiva?

If you have a motor or a lot of LEDs you may be paying excess reactive power in your business.

You can solve it, installing a capacitor bank.


With the installation of a capacitor bank in your business, you can avoid penalties in your bill derived from the consumption of reactive energy (up to 30% savings); also getting an automatic installation, without maintenance and a quick amortization.

Reactive energy is necessary for the operation of some fluorescent appliances, leds, motors, lathes and machinery in general. However, excess consumption can result in legal penalties that lead to surcharges on the bill. Capacitor banks generate the reactive power needed by your equipment, avoiding penalties associated with consumption and technically optimizing your installation.

This way, you will reduce your electricity bill.


If you would like more information, please fill in the form and we will contact you.