
Reasons to switch to LEDs

Reasons to switch to LEDs, LEDs in TV. LEDs in clothes. LEDs in every little light fixture at home, in stores, in museums, in toys... Have you noticed that LEDs have conquered every last corner where a light point is required? And it is normal, because almost everything related to Light Emitting Diode technology (semiconductor diode that emits light when crossed by an electric current) are real advantages. So, if you are still one of those who unscrew traditional light bulbs at home, pay attention because after reading this, you are going to do it for the last time: 1. It is safer than traditional light, because it is less polluting: it has no mercury or tungsten. In addition, it reduces CO2 emissions by 80%. 2. It lasts much longer: up to 45,000 hours of use (more than 15 years, if we turn it on about 8 hours a day), with minimal maintenance. 3. It does not generate heat, so it does not burn (80 % of the energy it consumes is converted into light, unlike the incandescent bulb, which loses the same percentage as heat). 4. Energy saving (for the previous reason, they consume up to 85% less than traditional bulbs). In the electricity bill you will save between 50 € (compared to an incandescent) and 275 € (with a halogen). 5. Withstands more extreme temperatures than incandescent bulbs, as well as higher humidity and vibrations. 6. Instant on. 7. Resistant to a huge number of cycles without detriment to its performance (the times it is turned on and off). 8. It reproduces colors with great fidelity, with a color index of 80 out of 100. It also has different shades of light (cold, warm) to suit all types of environments. After all these reasons, the only question to ask is how do I choose my new LEDs and how do I install them? Very easy: INSTALLATION TIPS: Replacing an incandescent bulb with an LED bulb is... the same. However, in the case of halogen bulbs we must check the voltage and type of anchorage, selecting in the store the same characteristics for our new LED. If the halogen is 12 V we will need a LED with transformer, unlike if it is a 230 V bulb. If, on the other hand, we want to replace a fluorescent tube with an LED, we have to remove the transformer (or starter), and the ballast, and connect the tubes directly to the 220 V network. more info adjditec.com
