Fronius Primo GEN24 4.6 Plus
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This is a snippet of HTML code that appears to be part of a product page on a website. It contains information about the product, including:
* **Product Name:** The name of the product is likely "Fronius Primo GEN24" based on the repeated references in the code.
* **Product Description:** The description is not fully visible in this snippet but it mentions features like "details," "documents," and "videos."
* **Documents:** The code includes a section for downloadable documents, categorized as:
* Certificates
* Guarantees
* Manual
* Other
* **Videos:** There's a single embedded YouTube video.
**Here's a breakdown of the HTML elements used:**
* `
`: Used to create containers and sections within the page.
* ``: Used for inline text formatting and styling.
* `
- ` and `
- `: Create unordered lists (bullet points) for document categories and items. * ``: Creates hyperlinks for downloading documents and viewing the video. * `target="_blank"`: Opens links in a new tab or window. * `