LTI Motion Servoregler CDE54.044, GDA (replacement of CDE54.043,DZ )
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Förfrågning om pris
Rated power: 35kW Supply voltage: 3 x 230 Vac -10%, 3 x 400 Vac +15% Output current (RMS): 0...565Vdc Peak current (RMS, 9s): 72A Cooling system: Push-through Further equipment:without STO, with with HV power supply, salt fog proof All nominal data based on 400 V AC supply, 0°C up to +45°C cabinet temperature and 4 kHz switching frequency. ---------------------------- Replacement for 181-00703 ----------------------------The PitchMaster CDE54.018 / CDE54.024 / CDE54.043 have been replaced by the successor CDE54.044, GDA!