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Soft connection of generators to the grid - Continuous safety test of correct thyristor sequence. - Surveillance of too high temperature on thryristors with bimetal sensor. - Available for 1 or 2 generator systems. - Possibility of throughout logging of all relevant data. - Download of log data through the IC/WP controllers. - Designed for easy mounting. - Pressure sensitive touch screen; responds to finger, gloved hand or pen. The WP4060 Connection Module The WP4060 connection module is used for soft connection of wind turbine generators to the grid. The Cos.phi circuit of the WP4060 ensures an effective current control before, during and after the synchronous point. Mita-Teknik has also developed a WP4060 unit for developing purposes. This unit has a built-in RAM for storing parameter settings. The connection current is chosen as a parameter on the control unit. The thyristors can be connected during low production. The parameters for the opening of the thyristors are set on the control unit. The WP4060 has a built-in DELTA PHI circuit, which measures whether the generator receives or transmits power. The module has a built-in phase detecting circuit, which prevents connection if the phase sequence is incorrect. Soft connection of generators with either ?6-wire cable? or ?3-wire cable connection?. With real-time autodetector. The WP4060 can replace our former connection module WP2060, if the DELTA PHI function of the WP4060 is deactivated. Mita-Teknik has been granted patent on the WP4060 module.