Intercure 420 Light Grey, 20 Ltr.
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Rapidly recoatable epoxy resin coating material
A two-component, high solids, low VOC, micaceous epoxy resin coating material developed using a proprietary polymer technology that enables rapid curing and recoatability even at low temperatures.
Used as a thick-layer intermediate coating with excellent corrosion protection through barrier action in a high performance system for use in aggressive environments such as offshore structures, bridges, chemical and petroleum processing plants, power plants, pulp and paper mills and industrial buildings. Can be applied directly to steel substrates in non-aggressive environments as a barrier coating.
Pigmentation with micaceous iron ore improves both the barrier effect and the recoatability of the system after long periods of time. This makes the product ideally suited for application in the production plant, with the coating system then being completed after the parts have been transported to the construction site. The fast curing and short rework intervals of Intercure 420 allow flexible production and use of the product for both new construction and maintenance applications.