Altivar Process variador de velocidad

Altivar Process variador de velocidad

Estos nuevos variadores de velocidad Altivar Process otorgan un valor añadido a las industrias del Agua, Petróleo y Gas, Minería, Alimentación y bebidas...[...]

CQM1-OC222 de Omron PLC modular

CQM1-OC222 de Omron PLC modular

En ADJ DiTec disponemos de este modulo CQM1-OC222 de omron  EN STOCK  para los los plc de vieja generacion CQM1, ...[...]

PowerFlex 523 AC Drives

PowerFlex 523 AC Drives

PowerFlex® 523 AC Drives are cost-effective and ideal for standalone machines. These drives provide an innovative, modular design that supports fast and easy installation and configuration. In addition, they offer USB pro...[...]

GR18S cylindrical photoelectric sensor SICK

GR18S cylindrical photoelectric sensor SICK

Round, short and economically unbeatable their feature: Low-cost cylindrical M18 sensor with extra short housing Five different housing styles Variety of plastic and metal housing sty...[...]