Interzone 954 Grey, Black, white, 20 Ltr.
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Modified epoxy resin
An epoxy-modified two-component coating with barrier effect, developed to ensure long-term protection in a one-coat system. The product has a low VOC content and a high solid volume. Continues to dry even under water and has excellent resistance to cathodic delamination.
Mainly intended for use as a maintenance coating material for the spray zones of offshore installations.As the product continues to dry even under water, it is ideal for applications where tidal movements and extreme water level fluctuations must be expected. Can be applied to re-oxidised and slightly damp substrates. Interzone 954 is also often used in many other corrosive environments such as pulp and paper mills, chemical plants, landing stages and lock gates. Used with appropriate additives as part of a non-slip coating system for deck areas.