Transmisor de presión diferencial Honeywell SmartLine STD725 STD725E1HC4AS1CAHS11CB11A6F5F1
Wilt u een offerte voor dit product? Klik dan op de volgende knop.
Offerte opvragen.Process Head and Diaphragm Mat: Head Mat 316SS/Diaph 316LSS - E
Fill Fluid: Silicone Oil 200 - 1
Process Connection: 1/2inch NPT female materials - H
Bolt; Nut Materials: Carbon Steel - C
Vent Drain Type Location: Dual End;Std;End;Match Hd Mat1 - 4
Gasket Materials: Teflon or PTFE; Glass Filled - A
Static Pressure: Standard Static Pressure 4500 - S
Head Connect Orientation: Standard; High Side Left - 1
Approvals: ATEX Exproof/IS/NI - C
Elec Housing Mat Conn Type: Alum;1/2 NPT; LP None - A
Output Protocol: Output 4-20mAdc with HART - H
Customer Interface Selections: Std Ind;Int But;Lng EN;RU - S
Configuration Selection App SW: Standard Diagnostics - 1
O/P LMT Fail and Protect Sett: WP: Disabled; Fail:High - 1
General Configuration: Cust Config Unit Data Required - C
Accuracy and Calibration: Std Acc; Cust; Sigl Calib - B
Accessory sel Mounting Bracket: Bkt Type; Angle Bkt; Mat; CSt - 1
Customer Tag Type: One Wired Stainless Steel Tag - 1
Unassembled Conduit Adapter: 1/2 NPT 316 SS Cert Conduit - A6
Certifications and Warranty: Cal Tst Rep & Ct of Conf-F3399, Certificate of
Origin - F1 ,F5
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