Adaptador Schneider Electric XPSMCCPC para uso con RJ45 a miniDIN
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MEMINTA HARGAXPS MCWIN, Configuration Software
30 certified safety functions are available with this software and they are easily assignable to the safety outputs. The safety functions have multiple combination possibilities and various starting conditions. The safety functions are certified in accordance with EN 954-1/ISO 13849-1 and IEC 61508. All 8 safety outputs are suitable for use in safety related parts of control systems conforming to category 4 of EN 954-1/ISO 13849-1 and each output can disconnect one of its safety circuits. The main safety functions are as follows:
Emergency stop monitoring, with or without time delay, 1 or 2-channel wiring
Two-hand control (type III-C conforming to EN 574-1)
Guard monitoring with 1 or 2 limit switches, with or without locking
Guard monitoring for injection presses and blowing machines
Coded magnetic switch monitoring
Safety mat monitoring
Light curtain monitoring, solid-state and relay output types
Zero speed detection
Dynamic monitoring of hydraulic valves on linear and eccentric presses
Monitoring safety stop at top dead centre on eccentric press
Safety time delays
Muting function for light curtains
Enabling switch monitoring, 2 or 3 contact
Logic OR function
Foot switch monitoring
Chain shaft breakage monitoring
Hydraulic and eccentric press monitoring
Position selector
To connect XPS-MC to a PC for programming and diagnostic purposes:
Laptop PC with 9 pin serial port: use 382-2645 and 544-490
Laptop PC with USB port: use 464-962 and 218-080
Controlador de seguridad
Produk serupa
Cable ABB 2TLA050210R2820 para uso con Interruptores de cable Line Strong
Conector de E / S ABB 2TLA020072R0400 para uso con Bus AS-I
Soporte de montaje ABB 2TLA040007R0200 para uso con Serie C2000, serie C4000, serie M2000
Cable Schneider Electric 490NTW00002 para uso con Módulo de sensor SLS-450
Kit de cables ABB 2TLA050210R0530 para uso con Interruptores de cable Line Strong
Actuador Siemens 3SE5000-0AV02 para uso con Interruptores de fin de carrera serie 3SE5