BIORAD 3578104 iQCheck Screen Legionella spp. Kit
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मूल्य अनुरोध करेंDescripción
Choose the iQ-Check Screen Legionella spp. Real-Time PCR Detection Kit for the detection of Legionella spp. including Legionella pneumophila in different types of aqueous samples. Use with the Aquadien™ Bacterial DNA Extraction and Purification Kit (3578121) to obtain rapid reproducible detection.
Features and Benefits
- Use with samples from water systems, swimming and thermal pools, and other water sources, as well as aerosols and biofilms
- Results in one day including DNA extraction and purification, unlike traditional methods that can take 10 to 13 days
- Optimized protocol available for samples containing PCR inhibitors
For quantification use iQ-Check Quanti Legionella spp. Real-Time PCR Quantification Kit (3578102)
Kit Contents
- Fluorescent probes — 1 x 0.55 ml
- Amplification mix — 1 x 4.4 ml
- PCR negative control — 1 x 0.5 ml
- PCR positive control — 1 x 0.25 ml
Certified NF VALIDATION according to the ISO 16140 standard and validated by the AOAC
Related Products
- iQ-Check Quanti Legionella spp Real-Time PCR Quantification Kit (3578102)
- iQ-Check Screen L. pneumo Real-Time PCR Detection Kit (3578105)
- iQ-Check Deep Well Microplates (3594900)
- Aquadien Bacterial DNA Extraction and Purification Kit (3578121)
- Aquadien W2 Wash Solution (3578119) for clogging samples and samples containing PCR inhibitors
Related Products
- PCR Plastic Consumables
- Real-Time PCR Detection Systems
- Food Science Equipment and Supplies
Supporting Documents
- Aquadien User Guide
- Detection of Legionella in Aerosols for Infection Risk Assessment Tech Note
- Legionella Testing Solutions Brochure
- Water Safety Booklet — Guide for Products in Water Testing
समान उत्पाद
Merck 1.19899.0500 Nitrito Solución Patrón. Trazable a SRM de NIST NaNO₂ en H₂O 1000 mg/l NO₂ Certipur®
IDT E_Sarbeco_R2 Reverse Primer, 50 nmol
Restek 32465 ALFA-ENDOSULFAN, 1000 ppm, Acetona, 1 ml
MERCK MIHAWG100 EMBUDO MICROFIL DE 100 ml 47 mm 0.45 um MILLIPORE 1x150 uds
Scharlau 00WIC41810 Viales 10 mL espacio en cabeza ámbar
BRAN LUEBBE Ref.-130-R1102 Solución Catalisis 5 litros